Elby proudly presents
Virtual CloneDrive
Virtual CloneDrive 就相当于CD, DVD, 或者蓝光驱动器, 实际并不存在。只需要双击, 镜像文件就可以从硬盘或者网络上 " 载入 " 到虚拟驱动器, 然后就可以当作 CD, DVD, 或者蓝光。 Virtual CloneDrive 支持同时使用 15 虚拟驱动器 - 不管镜像文件包含声音,图像,或者数据。 Virtual CloneDrive 无缝接入 Windows Explorer 中的内容菜单,并且是免费的!

- Windows 兼容电脑,至少 500 MHz CPU和 256 MB 内存
- Windows XP/XP64/VISTA/VISTA64/Win7/Win7-64/Win8/Win8-64/Win10
- 需要管理员权利才可以安装
- 载入镜像为虚拟驱动器
- 支持所用通行镜像格式,例如 ISO, BIN, IMG, UDF, DVD, 和 CCD
- 模拟CD, DVD, 和蓝光媒体
- 同时支持最多15个虚拟驱动器
- 最近载入镜像历史
- 自动载入最近一次镜像
- 点击弹出键来卸载镜像
- 无缝集成到Windows Explorer 内容菜单
- 容易使用 - 只需要双击镜像文件就可以载入为驱动器
- Virtual CloneDrive 是免费软件,你可以不付费使用
Virtual CloneDrive - 发行说明
Virtual CloneDrive Revision History Virtual CloneDrive 2020 02 27 - Fix: Bug introduced in, ElbyCDIO did not work with Windows Server OS, Windows XP, Windows Vista - Some minor changes and improvements Virtual CloneDrive 2020 02 24 - New: ElbyCDIO driver update - New: Slightly reduced CPU load on Windows 8 or better - Fix: Some UDF images could crash VCDmount - Change: Windows 2000 is no longer supported - Some minor changes and improvements Virtual CloneDrive 2016 01 13 - New: Prevent possible dll sideload attack during installation - Fix: HelpLauncher could hang on Windows 10 - Some minor changes and improvements Virtual CloneDrive 2015 12 12 - Change: Windows 7 uses scsiport driver instead of storport, fixing rare compatibility issues - Fix: ElbyCDIO was not restarted after uninstall - Some minor changes and improvements Virtual CloneDrive 2015 7 20 - New: Support for Windows 10 - Changed: "Buffered I/O" checkbox is back. It is enabled by default. - Some minor changes and improvements - Updated languages Virtual CloneDrive 2013 7 24 - New: Support for image playback with WinDVD - New: Uses storport driver for Windows 7 and later Virtual CloneDrive 2013 5 17 - New: Added workaround for bugcheck in Windows 8 when mounting image over a samba share - New: Added "toggle tray" /t switch to VCDMount.exe - Changed: Removed "Buffered I/O" checkbox. Buffered I/O is now always enabled. - Some minor changes and improvements - Updated languages Virtual CloneDrive 2011 3 6 - New: Improved DVD/HD-DVD/BD emulation - New: Added help menu to notification icon - New: Notification icon can be changed by the user - New: Support for harddisks with very large physical sectors (> 2048 bytes) - Some minor changes and improvements - Updated languages Virtual CloneDrive 2009 12 14 - New: Added version info to tray icon - New: Added option, where VCD can be instructed to unmount an image file when the virtual tray is opened (e.g., eject from Windows explorer). - Change: Default file associations - Fix: Optical drives could disappear after uninstall - Updated languages - Some minor changes and improvements Virtual CloneDrive 2009 05 26 - New: Added tray icon - New: Added shell extension for images - New: Improved shell extension for drives - New: Added HD-DVD emulation (Windows 2000/XP/Vista) - New: Added option to purge history of recently mounted images - New: Added /p command switch to VCDMount.exe to purge history - Fix: Mounting failed, if .dvd or .ccd file names contained unicode characters - Fix: Virtual Sheep on Windows XP64 - Fix: Problems mounting files with some language settings - Some minor changes and improvements Virtual CloneDrive 2009 03 10 - New: Added option to keep history of last mounted files - New: Added support for unicode filenames (Windows 2000/XP/Vista) - New: Added support for UTF8 image names in .dvd files (Windows 2000/XP/Vista) - New: Sets media type (DVD, BDR) by parsing the image, if no .dvd file is used or the .dvd file doesn't contain a media type - New: Added /b command switch to VCDMount.exe to browse for image - New: Added /h command switch to VCDMount.exe to clear history - New: Added support for Windows 7 (beta) - New: Added support for Windows XP 64bit and Windows Server 2003 64bit - New: Added daemon.exe tool so 3rd party applications written for Daemon Tools can be used - New: Added "Virtual Sheep" for 64bit OS - Change: "Buffered I/O" setting in VCDPrefs is now in effect for files mounted over the network (default is off) - Fix (Windows 2000/XP/Vista): Some reliability fixes - Fix: VCDPrefs could hang when clicking "OK" - Updated languages - Some minor changes and improvements Virtual CloneDrive 2008 10 17 - New: Added emulation of BD, BDR and BDRE media - New: Maximum number of units increased to 15 - New: Improved history of last mounted image files - New: Added option to clear history of last mounted image files - Some minor changes and improvements Virtual CloneDrive 2008 07 31 - New: Added support for 64-bit OS, e.g. Windows Vista 64 - Many internal changes and improvements, new driver - Updated languages Virtual CloneDrive 2008 06 12 - New: Added option to use buffered I/O - Fix: Data integrity problem under Windows Vista Virtual CloneDrive 2008 04 10 - New: Supports playback of HD-DVD & Blu-ray images in PowerDVD - New: Increased performance, if image files are accessed over the network - New: Better support for Windows Vista (32-bit only) Virtual CloneDrive 2007 10 28 - New: Support for Windows Vista (32-bit only) Virtual CloneDrive 2006 05 24 - Change: ElbyCDIO updated again to increase compatibility with broken SCSI or IDE drivers (INTEL Application Acceleration driver 1.x, CeQuadrat Virtual CDROM, ...) Virtual CloneDrive 2006 02 29 - New: Installer will only ask for reboot, if a reboot is really necessary - New: Installer removes old ElbyCDIO.dll versions from CloneCD 3/4 installations to avoid a conflict - Updated ElbyCDIO access layer Virtual CloneDrive 2006 02 23 - New: Updated ElbyCDIO access layer Virtual CloneDrive 2006 02 22 - New: Mounted files which no longer exist will be deleted from the history - New: Updated ElbyCDIO access layer - Fix: VCDMount was not updated in the last release - Fix: Layer Break position was not correct - Fix: DVD images were sometimes treated as CD images - Some minor changes and improvements - Updated languages Virtual CloneDrive 2006 02 14 - New: Added "Read physical DVD Structure" command - New: Added usage of Layer Break position from CloneCD images - New: Added /u command line option to VCDMount.exe to unmount an image - New: Added /d command line option to specify the unit (e.g., VCDMount /d=1 <filename>) - New: The drive letter settings for the virtual drives will be preserved from a previous installation - Some minor fixes and improvements Virtual CloneDrive 2005 04 21 - Fix: Many stability problems in ElbyCDIO Virtual CloneDrive 2005 04 17 - New: Refuses to install on 64 bit Windows - Change: ElbyCDIO rewritten from scratch to have unified drivers for 32 and 64 bit Windows - Some minor changes and improvements - Updated languages Virtual CloneDrive - fixed some blacklisting issues - better support for CloneCD5 .dvd files - accepts .dvd images created with SonicRomFormatter - added support for .iso images with .dvd extension - Some minor fixes and improvements - updated languages